Abdullah just donated $100
David just donated $106.12
Pauline & Gerry just donated $106.12
Andrew just donated $106.12
John just donated $1,020
Shona just donated $520
Jodie just donated $100
Mark just donated $211
Virginia just donated $105.50
Ben just donated $500
Trevor Henry just donated $105.50
John just donated $1,020
Quynh just donated $3,000
Stephen just donated $250
Michael just donated $261
Alison just donated $104.40
Mustafa just donated $52.20
Elizabeth just donated $20.88
Brana just donated $52.20
Paul just donated $100

About Bloody Cells Ball
Cancer is one of the biggest challenges that anyone and their family can experience, it does not discriminate in its devastation. Blood cancer touches the lives of many Australians, in fact the equivalent of 50 people per day, or one person every 28 minutes is newly diagnosed with a form of blood cancer, and it was on one unassuming day in 2009 that the Fallances’ were presented with this incredible challenge.
In 2009, Pauline Fallance was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, and from what started with a seemingly innocent blister on her finger, led to a hospital admission and treatment starting within 48 hours of diagnosis. For Pauline’s treatment of acute myeloid leukemia involved progressive rounds of intense chemotherapy, breaking down the body’s immune system to disturbing effect in an attempt to kill the cancer. The impact that this process has on someone can only be truly understood by those who have to endure it, mostly in isolation, and those who support them.
It is these supporters, both in her first, and subsequent successful battles with cancer, that drive the Fallances’ to give back. Give your support to blood cancer treatment and research by purchasing a ticket to this year's Bloody Cells Ball or by making a donation below.

Haematology Ward (C5A) at Westmead Hospital
Throughout Pauline's treatment, Westmead Hospital, and in particular the dedicated staff in the C5A Ward provided an incredible amount of support and strength. Many of the nurses and staff that supported Pauline are still working in the ward today, showing tireless dedication in helping others in need.
Our aim is to provide Westmead Hospital with the additional financial support needed to evolve, innovate and remain at the forefront of healthcare in NSW and Australia.